L'evolució demogràfica de la Costera de Ranes segons la contribució de menjadors (1610-1681)

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L'evolució demogràfica de la Costera de Ranes segons la contribució de menjadors (1610-1681)

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Segarra i Terol, Josep Vicent; Pérez i Borredà, Josep Rafael
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

it is considered that the expulsion of the Moors of València caused a demographic impact, as well as a structural change in the occupation of the Valencian region, which was one the reasons for the later valencian development. This paper analyzes the demographic evolution Post-Moorish of a fragment of the Costera de Ranes, term of Xàtiva, from registers kept on the collection of the municipal contribution of Menjadors. The right of menjadors was a direct tax that residents of the particular contribution of Xàtiva had to pay for being neighbors of Xàtiva 'and enjoy all the exemptions, franchises and immunities enjoyed by the neighbords' of Xàtiva. Therefore, it helps us to know how many people lived in each place of the particular contribution of the city.
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