phi meson mass and decay width in nuclear matter
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Cabrera Urbán, Daniel; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003
The phi meson spectrum, which in vacuum is dominated by its coupling to the (K) over barK system, is modified in nuclear matter. Following a model based on chiral SU(3) dynamics we calculate the phi meson self-energy in nuclear matter considering the K and (K) over bar in-medium properties. For the latter we use the results of previous calculations which account for S- and P-wave kaon-nucleon interactions based on the lowest order meson-baryon chiral effective Lagrangian, and this leads to a dressing of the kaon propagators in the medium. In addition, a set of vertex corrections is evaluated to fulfill gauge invariance, which involves contact couplings of the phi meson to S-wave and P-wave kaon-baryon vertices. Within this scheme the mass shift and decay width of the phi meson in nuclear matter are studied. |
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