Dynamically generated resonances in the chiral unitary approach to meson baryon interaction

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Dynamically generated resonances in the chiral unitary approach to meson baryon interaction

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Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Sarkar, S.; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Jido, D.; Oller Berber, José Antonio; Meissner, Ulf-G.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

In this talk we report on the use of a chiral unitary approach for the interaction of the octets of meson and baryon and the octet of mesons with the decuplet of baryons. Two octets of J(pi) = 1/2(-) baryon states and a singlet are generated dynamically in the first case, resulting in the case of strangeness S = -1 in two poles of the scattering matrix close to the nominal A(1405) resonance. In the second case many resonances are also generated, among them an exotic baryon with S = I corresponding to a Delta K resonance. We make suggestions of experiments which could show evidence for the existence of these states.
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