Theta(+) hypernuclei

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Theta(+) hypernuclei

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Cabrera Urbán, Daniel; Li, Qiang Bing; Magas, Volodymyr; Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We present results for the selfenergy of the Theta(+) pentaquark in nuclei associated with two sources: the KN decay of the Theta(+) and the two meson baryon decay channels of the Theta(+) partners in an antidecuplet of baryons. The first source is shown to produce a small potential, unable to bind the Theta(+) in nuclei, while the second source gives rise to a large attractive potential. At the same tune we show that the width of the Theta(+) in nuclei is small, such that, in light and medium nuclei, many bound Theta(+) states would appear with a separation between levels appreciably larger than the width of the states, thus creating an ideal scenario for pentaquark spectroscopy in nuclei.
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