Two pion mediated scalar isoscalar NN interaction in the nuclear medium

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Two pion mediated scalar isoscalar NN interaction in the nuclear medium

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Kaskulov, Murat M.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

We study the modification of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in a nuclear medium in the scalar isoscalar channel, mediated by the exchange of two correlated (sigma channel) or uncorrelated pions. For this purpose we use a standard approach for the renormalization of pions in nuclei. The corrections obtained for the NN interaction in the medium in this channel are of the order of 20% of the free one in average, and the consideration of short-range correlations plays an important role in providing these moderate changes. Yet, the corrections are sizable enough to suggest further studies of the stability and properties of nuclear matter.
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