Chiral dynamics of baryon resonances and hadrons in a nuclear medium

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Chiral dynamics of baryon resonances and hadrons in a nuclear medium

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Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Cabrera Urbán, Daniel; Magas, Volodymyr; Roca Zamora, Luis; Sarkar, S.; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

In these lectures I make an introduction to chiral unitary theory applied to the meson-baryon interaction and show how several well-known resonances are dynamically generated, and others axe predicted. Two very recent experiments are analyzed, one of them showing the existence of two Lambda(1405) states and the other one providing support for the Lambda(1520) resonance as a quasi-bound state of Sigma(1385)pi. The use of chiral Lagrangians to account for the hadronic interaction at the elementary level introduces a new approach to deal with the modification of meson and baryon properties in a nuclear medium. Examples of it for (K) over bar, eta and phi modification in the nuclear medium are presented.
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