Nuclear medium effects in nu(nu)-nucleus deep inelastic scattering

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Nuclear medium effects in nu(nu)-nucleus deep inelastic scattering

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Haider, Huma; Ruiz Simó, Ignacio; Sajjad Athar, Mohammad; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

We study nuclear medium effects in the weak structure functions F-2(x, Q(2)) and F-3(x, Q(2)) in the deep inelastic neutrino and antineutrino induced reactions in nuclei. We use a theoretical model for the nuclear spectral functions which incorporates the conventional nuclear effects, such as Fermi motion, binding, and nucleon correlations. We also consider the pion and rho meson cloud contributions calculated from a microscopic model for meson-nucleus self-energies. The calculations have been performed using relativistic nuclear spectral functions. Our results are compared with the experimental data of the NuTeV and the CERN Dortmund Heidelberg Saclay Warsaw (CDHSW) collaborations.
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