Neutrinoless double beta decay in light of SNO salt data

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Neutrinoless double beta decay in light of SNO salt data

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Murayama, Hitoshi; Peña Garay, Carlos
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

In the SNO data from its salt run, probably the most significant result is the consistency with the previous results without assuming the B-8 energy spectrum. In addition, they have excluded the maximal mixing at a very high confidence level. This has important implications on the double beta decay experiments. For the inverted or degenerate mass spectrum, we find \<m(nu)>(ee)\>0.013 eV at 95% C.L., and the next generation experiments can discriminate Majorana and Dirac neutrinos if the inverted or degenerate mass spectrum will be confirmed by the improvements in cosmology, tritium data beta decay, or long-baseline oscillation experiments.
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