Limits on the high-energy gamma and neutrino fluxes from the SGR 1806-20 giant flare of 27 December 2004 with the AMANDA-II detector

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Limits on the high-energy gamma and neutrino fluxes from the SGR 1806-20 giant flare of 27 December 2004 with the AMANDA-II detector

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Achterberg, Abraham; Peña Garay, Carlos; Zornoza Gómez, Juan de Dios
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

On 27 December 2004, a giant gamma flare from the Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater 1806-20 saturated many satellite gamma-ray detectors, being the brightest transient event ever observed in the Galaxy. AMANDA-II was used to search for down-going muons indicative of high-energy gammas and/or neutrinos from this object. The data revealed no significant signal, so upper limits (at 90% C.L.) on the normalization constant were set: 0.05(0.5) TeV-1 m(-2) s(-1) for gamma=-1.47 (-2) in the gamma flux and 0.4(6.1) TeV-1 m(-2) s(-1) for gamma=-1.47 (-2) in the high-energy neutrino flux.
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