Jarlskog-like invariants for theories with scalars and fermions

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Jarlskog-like invariants for theories with scalars and fermions

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Botella Olcina, Francisco J.; Silva, Joao P.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1995

Within the framework of theories where both scalars and fermions are present, we develop a systematic prescription for the construction of CP-violating quantities that are invariant under basis transformations of those matter fields. In theories with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, the analysis involves the vevs' transformation properties under a scalar basis change, with a considerable simplification of the study of CP violation in the scalar sector. These techniques are then applied in detail to the two Higgs-doublet model with quarks. It is shown that there are new invariants involving scalar-fermion interactions, besides those already derived in previous analyses for the fermion-gauge and scalar-gauge sectors.
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