Gamma-Z interferometry at a phi-factory

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Gamma-Z interferometry at a phi-factory

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Bernabeu Alberola, José; Botella Olcina, Francisco J.; Vives García, Óscar
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1996

We analyze the possibilities that the proposed Phi-factories offer to measure gamma-Z interference. In the unpolarized beam case, we study different signatures in the rho pi channel, taking advantage of the presence of the nearby alpha(1) resonance. We build a C-odd forward-backward asymmetry, estimated to be around 10(-5), and (P-even, T-even) and (P-odd, T-odd) alignments of the rho, to be seen from the angular distribution of its pi pi decay products. With polarized electrons a left-right asymmetry around 2 x 10(-4) is present in all channels. At leading order this asymmetry is independent of hadronic matrix elements and is sensitive to the Z(0)-s (s) over bar vector coupling. In the rho pi channel, a combined left-right forward-backward asymmetry is considered.
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