Muon capture in a general class of weak models

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Muon capture in a general class of weak models

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Botella Olcina, Francisco J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1985

We study muon capture by 12C in a general class of weak models. There is always a parameter characteristic of the weak model that can be extracted in a nuclear-model-independent way from the average polarization Pav, the longitudinal polarization PNL and the asymmetry alpha in the angular distribution of recoils. For a less general class of models the asymmetry alpha is unnecessary. Using the experimental values of PNL and Pav we get a lower bound for the mass of the right-handed gauge boson of the left-right-symmetric model, MWR>=2.5MWL, in a nuclear-model-independent way. The dependence of this bound on the experimental values is also discussed.
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