New physics and evidence for a complex CKM

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New physics and evidence for a complex CKM

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Botella Olcina, Francisco J.; Branco, Gustavo Castelo; Nebot Gómez, Miguel; Rebelo, M. N.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We carefully analyse the present experimental evidence for a complex CKM matrix, even allowing for New Physics contributions to ϵK, aJ/ΨKS, ΔMBd, ΔMBs, and the ΔI=1/2 piece of B→ρρ and B→ρπ. We emphasize the crucial r\^ ole played by the angle γ in both providing irrefutable evidence for a complex CKM matrix and placing constraints on the size of NP contributions. It is shown that even if one allows for New Physics a real CKM matrix is excluded at a 99.92% C.L., and the probability for the phase γ to be in the interval [−170∘:−10∘]∪[10∘:170∘] is 99.7%.
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