The use of mathematical models in the characterization of ethylene oxide condensate Surfactants by infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy

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The use of mathematical models in the characterization of ethylene oxide condensate Surfactants by infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy

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Guardia Cirugeda, Miguel de la; Tronch, J. E.; Carrion, J. L.; Aucejo, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

A topological treatment of the surfactant molecules (DARC system) and a group contribution model were applied to study the correlation between structures of ethylene oxide condensates with nonylsphenol and tert-octylphenol and their spectral characteristics such as extinction coefficient of the molecular absortion band. Using the experimental values of the spectral characteristics of an unknown smaple of an ethylene oxide condensate surfactant and the information parameters, previously determined by the mathematical treatment of a key population, it is possible to obtain their average condensation degree.
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