The effect of observation timescales on the characterisation of extreme Mediterranean precipitation

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The effect of observation timescales on the characterisation of extreme Mediterranean precipitation

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Camarasa Belmonte, Ana María; Soriano García, Julián; López García, María José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

This paper analyses the behaviour of five rainfall indicators (maximum intensity, cumulative rainfall, irregularity, probability of rain and persistence of rain) over different observation timescales ranging from 5 min to 24 h. It covers a large area on the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula (River J´ucar Water Authority, 43 000 km2) on a continuous basis over a period of 14 years (1994<br>2007). The results show that the behaviour of extreme Mediterranean rainfall is heavily dependent on the observation timescale. There are a number of turning points in the indicator trends which occur on different timescales (1 and 6 h in the case of rain intensity and irregularity, 6 h for cumulative rainfall and between 15 and 30 min for the persistence of rain) and may be relevant for the determination of thresholds used in wáter management.
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