New perspectives of EU Member States Constitutional Courts as actors in the European Union integration process.

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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New perspectives of EU Member States Constitutional Courts as actors in the European Union integration process.

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Sarrión Esteve, Joaquín
Aquest document és un/a Comunicació/Ponència, creat/da en: 2013
Our purpose is to examine the origin and development of constitutional limits case law doctrine, in order to understand better the relationship between the highest courts of EU Member States and European Court of Justice in the European multilevel legal system. And finally, we would like to study the actual position and new perspectives of EU Member States Constitutional Courts as actors in EU integration process.Our purpose is to examine the origin and development of constitutional limits case law doctrine, in order to understand better the relationship between the highest courts of EU Member States and European Court of Justice in the European multilevel legal system. And finally, we would like to study the actual position and new perspectives of EU Member States Constitutional Courts as actors in EU integration process.
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