Una realidad social escindida. Las memorias de las peras y las manzanas en el Chile reciente.

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Una realidad social escindida. Las memorias de las peras y las manzanas en el Chile reciente.

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Alcàzar, Joan del, 1954-
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Forty years after the military coup that bloodied Chile during the years of military dictatorship, the country is still splitted with a society which is still in a traumatic situation. In this paper we have worked with audio-visual sources, which we call Video Format Documents (VFD), produced from the sixties onwards. This article is based on sources that allow us a deeper understanding of the society in which they were produced; a society −as it is said by a character of one of the most successful films in Chile−, divided into pears and apples.
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