El logos femenino en la dramaturgia coetánea: una lectura de 'La ville parjure ou Le reveil des Erinyes' de Hélène Cixous

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El logos femenino en la dramaturgia coetánea: una lectura de 'La ville parjure ou Le reveil des Erinyes' de Hélène Cixous

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Llinares Chover, Joan B.
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2012
Análisis de las figuras femeninas en la obra de H. Cixous 'La ciudad perjura o el despertar de las Erinias'.Recently, we published a paper about Cixous' dramatic production. This chapter critically examines Hélene Cixous ' La vllle perjure ou le reveil des Erinyes, 1994, focusing on the Feminine logos. Firstly, we discuss sorne of the problems involved in defining logos and how Feminine logos refutes logocentrism and phallocentrism on the philosophical and literary tradition of the West. Secondly, we examine four different forms of logos represented by four different women on Cixous' play, focusing on the Mother. We defend that on thls character Cixous staged the hardly ways to bear crimes against Humanity: either oblivion, or revenge, or cynical administration of justice in a corrupt democracy fulfill the victim. Only the forgiveness, coming from the shared humanity in a new and difficult experience of community, is a ble to fulfill the victim.
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