Topical treatment of oral lichen planus with anthocyanins

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Topical treatment of oral lichen planus with anthocyanins

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Rivarola de Gutierrez, Emilce es Di Fabio, Amanda es Salomón, Susana es Lanfranchi, Héctor es 2015-01-08T12:34:00Z 2015-01-08T12:34:00Z 2014 es
dc.identifier.citation Rivarola de Gutierrez, Emilce ; Di Fabio, Amanda ; Salomón, Susana ; Lanfranchi, Héctor. Topical treatment of oral lichen planus with anthocyanins. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed inglesa, 2014, Vol. 19, No. 5: 459-466 es
dc.description.abstract Background: Oxidative stress is involved in oral lichen planus (OLP) pathogenesis; meanwhile anthocyanins are natural antioxidants present in grapes skin. Objectives: The aim of this research was to verify the utility of anthocyanins, extracted from grapes skin, for the local treatment of oral lichen planus and to compare it with clobetasol propionate- neomycin -nystatin cream (CP-NN). Study Design: Prospective, non-randomized study, with control group. Fifty-two patients with OLP were includ - ed. We divided patients into two categories: erosive oral lichen planus (EOLP) and non erosive oral lichen planus (NEOLP). 38 had EOLP (17 cases and 21 controls) and 14 presented NEOLP types (9 cases and 5 controls).Cases received local treatment with anthocyanins from grapes and controls, were treated with CP-NN. The clinical evo - lution of patients was followed up during six months. Results: The patients had a therapeutic response with anthocyanins. This was better than CP-NN treatment for patients with EOLP, in improving the involvement score of the oral mucosa and in the morphometric study of the affected areas. In EOLP there were no statistically significant differences in: therapeutic response time, the evolution of pain, or the relapse rate between the two groups. With respect to the treatment of NEOLP there was improved pain relief in the group treated with anthocyanins. This was not observed with CP-NN. The resting analized variables showed no significant difference with both treatments. Conclusions: OLP has a favorable response to local treatment with anthocyanins from grapes. We found an equal to or better response than with CP-NN treatment. Many of our patients have systemic diseases, which may con - traindicate the use of steroids. With regard to this particular group, the use of this natural antioxidant present in the diet is considered advantageous. en_US
dc.subject Odontología es
dc.subject Ciencias de la salud es
dc.title Topical treatment of oral lichen planus with anthocyanins es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url es

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