Consensus Report of the XI Congress of the Spanish Society of Odontology for the Handicapped and Special Patients

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Consensus Report of the XI Congress of the Spanish Society of Odontology for the Handicapped and Special Patients

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Machuca Portillo, Guillermo; Cabrerizo Merino, María del Carmen; Cutando Soriano, Antonio; Giménez Prats, Mª José; Silvestre Donat, Francisco Javier; Tomás Carmona, Inmaculada
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014


This article summarizes the findings of consensus of the XI congress of the SEOEME. All of these conclusions are referring to the review articles responsible to the general rapporteurs in order to bringing up to date knowledge with regard to the use of implants in patients medically compromised and with special needs and, in the dental management of autism and cerebral palsy, in the dental treatment of patients with genetic and adquired haemato - logical disorders, the dental implications of cardiovascular disease and hospital dentistry.
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