Impact of the Knowledge Society in the University and in Scientific Communication

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Impact of the Knowledge Society in the University and in Scientific Communication

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Duart Montoliu, Josep Maria ca Mengual Andrés, Santiago ca 2015-01-09T09:59:19Z 2015-01-09T09:59:19Z 2014 es
dc.identifier.citation Duart, Josep M. ; Mengual Andrés, Santiago. Impact of the Knowledge Society in the University and in Scientific Communication. RELIEVE - E-Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation; Vol 20, No 2 (2014). ca
dc.description.abstract Over the last two decades, as a result of the introduction and intensive use of technologies for information and general knowledge, especially from the internet, the university is living in a process of complete transformation that affects it´s academic and organizational structures as well as the conception of educational methodology. The ICTs have demonstrated a need to establish coherent institutional strategies in their use and application, along with the possibility to expand the sphere of institutional action, in regards to general access to higher education. All of this shows an existing change from a model of education based on the transmission of knowledge, that was rather limited and under restricted access, to another that should fundamentally facilitates the competence to learn from people that live in the world in constant change, with open access to information and general knowledge. In addition, all of this implies a transformation in the dynamics of communication and diffusion of scientific knowledge that is now converted into something open and accessible which is subject to an analysis of knowledge social networks es
dc.rights RELIEVE has the rights upon the articles published in it. However, as its purpose is knowledge dissemination, article reproduction and distribution (in any kind of medium) is allowed provided that the following conditions are complied with:Its content must not be altered.Its origin must be cited (journal RELIEVE, volume, number and electronic site of the article or DOI.)The fact of sending your paper to RELIEVE implies that you accept these conditions. es
dc.subject Pedagogy; education; Communication es
dc.subject pedagogía; educación; comunicación es
dc.subject Educación superior; sociedad del conocimiento; e-learning; acceso abierto; ciencia abierta; altmetric es
dc.title Impact of the Knowledge Society in the University and in Scientific Communication es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.identifier.idgrec 105049
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url es

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