Synchronic nasopharyngeal and intraparotid warthin tumors: a case report and literature review

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Synchronic nasopharyngeal and intraparotid warthin tumors: a case report and literature review

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Yáñez-Barraza, Karina-Lizbeth; Domínguez Malagón, Hugo; Mosqueda Taylor, Adalberto; Cano-Valdez, Ana María; Luna Ortiz, Kuauhyama
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Warthin tumor is the second most frequent benign salivary gland tumor after pleomorphic adenoma; it occurs almost exclusively in the parotid gland and peri-parotideal lymph nodes, although it may rarely present in other locations. It may be multicentric and bilateral in a small percentage of cases. Nasopharyngeal Warthin tumor is very rare, and the presence of a synchronic WT involving nasopharynx and parotid is an exceptional event, as it has been described only twice in the literature. In this article we report an additional case of a synchronic Warthin tumor and review the related literature.
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