The < SPP > Green function and SU(3) breaking in Kl3 decays

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The < SPP > Green function and SU(3) breaking in Kl3 decays

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Cirigliano, Vincenzo; Ecker, Gerhard; Eidemüller, Markus; Kaiser, Roland; Pich Zardoya, Antonio; Portolés Ibáñez, Jorge
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

Using the 1=/N-C expansion scheme and truncating the hadronic spectrum to the lowest-lying resonances, we match a meromorphic approximation to the < SPP > Green function onto QCD by imposing the correct large-momentum falloff, both off- shell and on the relevant hadron mass shells. In this way we determine a number of chiral low-energy constants of O(p(6)), in particular the ones governing SU(3) breaking in the K-l3 vector form factor at zero momentum transfer. The main result of our matching procedure is that the known loop contributions largely dominate the corrections of O(p(6)) to f(+)(0). We discuss the implications of our final value f(+)(K0 pi-) (0) = 0.984 +/- 0.012 for the extraction of V-us from K-l3 decays.
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