tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) decays and the a(1)(1260) off-shell width revisited

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tau -> pi pi pi nu(tau) decays and the a(1)(1260) off-shell width revisited

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Gómez Dumm, Daniel; Roig Garcés, Pablo; Pich Zardoya, Antonio; Portolés Ibáñez, Jorge
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

The tau -> pi pi pi nu_tau decay is driven by the hadronization of the axial-vector current. Within the resonance chiral theory, and considering the large-Nc expansion, this process has been studied in Ref.[1]. In the light of later developments we revise here this previous work by including a new off-shell width for the lightest a_1 resonance that provides a good description of the tau -> pi pi pi nu_tau spectrum and branching ratio. We also consider the role of the rho(1450) resonance in these observables. Thus we bring in an overall description of the tau -> pi pi pi nu_tau process in excellent agreement with our present experimental knowledge.
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