Pinched weights and duality violation in QCD sum rules: A critical analysis

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Pinched weights and duality violation in QCD sum rules: A critical analysis

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González Alonso, Martín; Pich Zardoya, Antonio; Prades Hernández, Joaquim
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

We analyze the so-called pinched weights, that are generally thought to reduce the violation of quark-hadron duality in Finite-Energy Sum Rules. After showing how this is not true in general, we explain how to address this question for the LR correlator and any particular pinched weight taking advantage of our previous work [1], where the possible high-energy behavior of the LR spectral function was studied. In particular we show that the use of pinched weights allows to determine with high accuracy the dimension six and eight contributions in the operator product expansion, O6=(-4.3^[+0.9}_{-0.7})*10^-3 GeV^6 and O8=(-7.2^{+4.2}_{-5.3})*10^-3 GeV^8.
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