CP Violation in the SUSY Seesaw: Leptogenesis and Low Energy

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CP Violation in the SUSY Seesaw: Leptogenesis and Low Energy

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Davidson, Sacha; Garayoa, Julia; Palorini, Federica; Rius Dionis, Nuria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

We suppose that the baryon asymmetry is produced by thermal leptogenesis (with flavour effects), at temperatures similar to 10(9)-10(10) GeV, in the supersymmetric seesaw with universal and real soft terms. The parameter space is restricted by assuming that l(alpha) --> l(beta gamma) processes will be seen in upcoming experiments. We study the sensitivity of the baryon asymmetry to the phases of the lepton mixing matrix, and find that leptogenesis can work for any value of the phases. We also estimate the contribution to the electric dipole moment of the electron, arising from the seesaw, and find that it is (just) beyond the sensitivity of next generation experiments (<= 10(-29)e cm). The fourteen dimensional parameter space is efficiently explored with a Monte Carlo Markov Chain, which concentrates on the regions of interest.
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