Neutrino oscillations in the dualized standard model

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Neutrino oscillations in the dualized standard model

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Bordes Villagrasa, José M.; Chan, Hong-Mo; Pfaudler, Jakov; Tsou, Sheung Tsun
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

A method developed from the dualized standard model for calculating the quark CKM matrix and masses is applied to the parallel problem in neutrino oscillations. Taking the parameters determined from quarks and the masses of two neutrinos: m23~10-2-10-3 eV2 suggested by atmospheric neutrino data and m22~10-10 eV2 suggested by the long-wavelength oscillation solution of the solar neutrino problem, one obtains from a parameter-free calculation all the mixing angles in reasonable agreement with existing experiments. However, the scheme is found not to accommodate comfortably the mass values m22~10-5 eV2 suggested by the MSW solution for solar neutrinos.
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