Flavor changing neutral currents in the dualized standard model

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Flavor changing neutral currents in the dualized standard model

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Bordes Villagrasa, José M.; Chan, Hong-Mo; Faridani, Jacqueline; Pfaudler, Jakov; Tsou, Sheung Tsun
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1999

The dualized standard model which gives explanations for both fermion generations and Higgs fields has already been used to calculate fermion mass and mixing parameters with success. In this paper, we extend its application to low energy FCNC effects, deriving bounds for various processes in terms of one single mass scale. Using then experimental information from the K-L - K-S mass difference and air showers beyond the GZK cutoff, these bounds are converted into rough, order-of-magnitude predictions. In particular, the estimates for the decay K-L-->e(+/-) mu(-/+) and for the mass difference between the neutral D mesons seem accessible to experiment in the near future.
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