Circumstantial evidence for rotating mass matrix from fermion mass and mixing data

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Circumstantial evidence for rotating mass matrix from fermion mass and mixing data

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Bordes Villagrasa, José M.; Chan, Hong-Mo; Tsou, Sheung Tsun
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

It is shown that existing data on the mixing between up and down fermion states and on the hierarchical mass ratios between fermion generations, as far as can be so analyzed at present, are all consistent with the two phenomena being both consequences of a mass matrix rotating in generation space with changing energy scale. As a result, the rotating mass matrix can be traced over some 14 orders of magnitude in energy from the mass scale of the t quark at 175 GeV to below that of the atmospheric neutrino at 0.05 eV.
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