B and B-s decay constants from QCD duality at three loops

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B and B-s decay constants from QCD duality at three loops

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Bordes Villagrasa, José M.; Peñarrocha Gantes, José Antonio; Schilcher, K.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

Using special linear combinations of finite energy sum rules which minimize the contribution of the unknown continuum spectral function, we compute the decay constants of the pseudoscalar mesons B and B_s. In the computation, we employ the recent three loop calculation of the pseudoscalar two-point function expanded in powers of the running bottom quark mass. The sum rules show remarkable stability over a wide range of the upper limit of the finite energy integration. We obtain the following results for the pseudoscalar decay constants: f_B=178 \pm 14 MeV and f_{B_s}=200 \pm 14 MeV. The results are somewhat lower than recent predictions based on Borel transform, lattice computations or HQET. Our sum rule approach of exploiting QCD quark hadron duality differs significantly from the usual ones, and we believe that the errors due to theoretical uncertainties are smaller.
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