New angle on the strong CP and chiral symmetry problems from a rotating mass matrix

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New angle on the strong CP and chiral symmetry problems from a rotating mass matrix

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Bordes Villagrasa, José M.; Chan, Hong-Mo; Tsou, Sheung Tsun
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

It is shown that when the mass matrix changes in orientation (rotates) in generation space for changing energy scale, then the masses of the lower generations are not given just by its eigenvalues. In particular, these masses need not be zero even when the eigenvalues are zero. In that case, the strong CP problem can be avoided by removing the unwanted θ term by a chiral transformation in no contradiction with the nonvanishing quark masses experimentally observed. Similarly, a rotating mass matrix may shed new light on the problem of chiral symmetry breaking. That the fermion mass matrix may so rotate with scale has been suggested before as a possible explanation for up-down fermion mixing and fermion mass hierarchy, giving results in good agreement with experiment.
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