Plausible explanation for the Delta(5/2)+(2000) puzzle

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Plausible explanation for the Delta(5/2)+(2000) puzzle

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Xie, J. J.; Martínez Torres, Alberto; Oset Báguena, Eulogio; González Marhuenda, Pedro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

From a Faddeev calculation for the π−(Δρ)N5/2−(1675) system we show the plausible existence of three dynamically generated I(JP)=3/2(5/2+) baryon states below 2.3 GeV whereas only two resonances, Δ5/2+(1905)(∗∗∗∗) and Δ5/2+(2000)(∗∗), are cataloged in the Particle Data Book Review. Our results give theoretical support to data analyses extracting two distinctive resonances, Δ5/2+(∼1740) and Δ5/2+(∼2200), from which the mass of Δ5/2+(2000)(∗∗) is estimated. We propose that these two resonances should be cataloged instead of Δ5/2+(2000). This proposal gets further support from the possible assignment of the other baryon states found in the approach in the I=1/2,3/2 with JP=1/2+,3/2+,5/2+ sectors to known baryonic resonances. In particular, Δ1/2+(1750)(∗) is naturally interpreted as a πN1/2−(1650) bound state.
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