Helicitogenesis: WIMPy baryogenesis with sterile neutrinos and other realizations

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Helicitogenesis: WIMPy baryogenesis with sterile neutrinos and other realizations

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Racker, Jean Jacques; Rius Dionis, Nuria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

We propose a mechanism for baryogenesis from particle decays or annihilations that can work at the TeV scale. Some heavy particles annihilate or decay into a heavy sterile neutrino N (with M ≳ 0.5 TeV) and a ¿light¿ one ν (with m ≪ 100 GeV), generating an asymmetry among the two helicity degrees of freedom of ν. This asymmetry is partially transferred to Standard Model leptons via fast Yukawa interactions and reprocessed into a baryon asymmetry by the electroweak sphalerons. We illustrate this mechanism in a WIMPy baryogenesis model where the helicity asymmetry is generated in the annihilation of dark matter. This model connects the baryon asymmetry, dark matter, and neutrino masses. Moreover it also complements previous studies on general requirements for baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation. Finally we discuss other possible realizations of this helicitogenesis mechanism.
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