Gauge-invariant proper self-energies and vertices in gauge-theories with broken symmetry

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Gauge-invariant proper self-energies and vertices in gauge-theories with broken symmetry

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Papavassiliou, Joannis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1990

Using the pinch technique, we show how to recover, from the S matrix of a spontaneously broken non-Abelian gauge theory, proper self-energies and vertices which are fully gauge invariant when one or more momenta are off shell. Explicit calculations are carried out at the one-loop level for gauge-boson self-energies and fermion-gauge-boson vertices in a simple SU(2) gauge theory with a Higgs boson. The same technique allows us to calculate, at one-loop order, a neutrino electromagnetic form factor which is gauge invariant at all photon momenta, thus resolving a long-standing problem. We show how massless Goldstone bosons, not present in the S matrix, must be introduced into Green's functions in order to reconcile gauge invariance and renormalizability.
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