Super heavy dark matter anisotropies from D-particles in the early universe

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Super heavy dark matter anisotropies from D-particles in the early universe

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Mavromatos, N. E.; Papavassiliou, Joannis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

We discuss a way of producing anisotropies in the spectrum of superheavy Dark matter, which are due to the distortion of the inflationary space time induced by the recoil of D-particles upon their scattering with ordinary string matter in the Early Universe. We calculate such distortions by world-sheet Liouville string theory (perturbative) methods. The resulting anisotropies are found to be proportional to the average recoil velocity and density of the D-particles. In our analysis we employ a regulated version of de Sitter space, allowing for graceful exit from inflation. This guarantees the asymptotic flatness of the space time, as required for a consistent interpretation, within an effective field theory context, of the associated Bogolubov coefficients as particle number densities. The latter are computed by standard WKB methods.
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