Filosofía de la ciencia e historia de la ciencia

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Filosofía de la ciencia e historia de la ciencia

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Iranzo, Valeriano es 2015-04-16T11:11:42Z 2015-04-16T11:11:42Z 2005 es
dc.identifier.citation Iranzo García, Valeriano. Filosofía de la ciencia e historia de la ciencia. En: Quaderns de Filosofia i Ciència, 2005, No. 35: 19 es
dc.description.abstract The paper analyzes which is the proper role of history of science in philosophy of science. I argue that, traditionally, philosophy of science has focused on the normative dimension of science. Several positions within philosophy of science stem from different perspectives on such dimension. I classify them according to two variables (descriptivism/prescriptivism, and historicism/non-historicism). Then I discuss the role of history of science within all these four alternatives. I conclude that: (1) philosophers and historians pursue not only different, but opposite aims; (2) historical evidence is useful for assessing the relation between methods and results; besides this, only very simple or radical philosophical views can be ¿refuted¿ by historical evidence; (3) the disagreement between those who think that history of science is necessary for philosophy of science and those who think it is not is, in fact, a disagreement about the prospects for a general theory of science; (4) such disagreement cannot be resolved appealing to historical evidence; if it can be resolved, philosophical arguments should somehow be invoked. en_US
dc.subject Hª y Fª de la Ciencia es
dc.subject Ciencias básicas y experimentales es
dc.subject Filosofía. Etica es
dc.subject Humanidades es
dc.title Filosofía de la ciencia e historia de la ciencia es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::FILOSOFÍA es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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