L'evolució filosòfica de Josep Lluís Blasco.

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L'evolució filosòfica de Josep Lluís Blasco.

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Sierra Labrado, Xavier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

In this paper Josep Lluís Blasco¿s philosophical evolution is expounded. If we leave aside an initial tentative period, during which he studied Whitehead¿s and Heidegger¿s metaphysics, Marxism, and analytical philosophy, we can clearly distinguish in it two periods. In the first one, till 1975, he assumed the presuppositions of analytical philosophy of ordinary language, and proceeded with the idea of improving its method, particularly categorical analysis. In the second one, from 1979 on, although still connected to the analytical tradition, he did not join any trend or school, and started his reflection on transcendentality. With this line, presented as an alternative way to Quine¿s naturalized epistemology, Blasco thought that it was possible to find an answer to the epistemic status of philosophy.
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