La transformación ética de la racionalidad económica en Amartya Sen. Una recuperación de Adam Smith

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La transformación ética de la racionalidad económica en Amartya Sen. Una recuperación de Adam Smith

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Pedrajas Herrero, Marta
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

The aim of this article is to show the necessity of includying ethic elements in the economic rationality, that goes beyond the self-interest and egoism. From a critic of the homo oeconomicus and an exposition of the deficiencies of the egoist rationality, we see how the incorporation of ethic elements is a reflection of the real and rational behaviour of the individuals. Nowadays, Amartya Sen is the one who mainly proposes this theory, but it has in its basis the ethical recuperation of the Adam Smith's work. Finally, we show how the sympathy and commitment are two of the elements of this ethical rationality, but also the values like the confidence or loyalty, which goes beyond a simple economic model to become a theory of social justice.
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