Sobre l'art de prudència i l'art de l'ocasió (notes sobre el barroc i Gracián)

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Sobre l'art de prudència i l'art de l'ocasió (notes sobre el barroc i Gracián)

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Cantarino Suñer, Elena
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

The article proposes an analysis about the Prudence and the Occasion in the Baltasar Gracián's first works. The Prudence, as knowledge and practical wisdom, is the exercise of the natural reason, not in abstract, but in his concrete and practical application to the experience of the reality. The Occasion is possess the fleeting way since the things happen and appear in the world. Gracián takes elements of the Baroque Thought in order to make them as one's own and to offer an art of Prudence and an art of the Occasion in order that they operate so much the public man (reason of State) as the private man (reason of state of the individual).
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