Ciudadanía sin límites: el trasfondo de la gobernanza global

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Ciudadanía sin límites: el trasfondo de la gobernanza global

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Ferrete Sarria, Carmen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Current political theory agrees that world governance is necessary to respond to the challenge of global threats, and to the State's increasing incapacity to solve these problems and to create conditions for a new, fairer world order. In this scenario, the main actors would be new or transformed transnational institutions of a political, economic or social kind, amongst others. In this undercurrent, we encounter the citizen figure, specifically the cosmopolitan citizen. The article analyses some questions raised in this new scenario: what kind of citizen requires global governance, where to find guidance for this new process, and how to educate so that the final representation is not merely global governance, but good governance
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