La sociedad civil desde la perspectiva metaestructural

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La sociedad civil desde la perspectiva metaestructural

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Méndez-Vigo Hernández, Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

The draft of this work lies in raising the definition of civil society from the perspective of the thinker Jacques Bidet. At first highlights the theme of modernity and thus of the existence of a metastructure that resides in a contractual relationship for both sides. At the same type of two types of rationality that run along modernity to give a picture metastructural. Civil society, therefore, from the perspective requires metastructural centricity, the interindividual and associativity. Finally, civil society from this perspective involves a dialectic of conflict that involves a dialectical relationship between the contractual terms of the speech alone can lead to a dialogue of all which is a kind of overdetermination of one term
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