L'esdeveniment, la mirada i el teatre de la veritat

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L'esdeveniment, la mirada i el teatre de la veritat

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Quintanas Feixas, Anna
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Analysis of the human sciences discourse according M. Foucault's views on relationships between power, truth and fiction. The emergence of human sciences allowed to reduce human reality to a subject of scientific study. Foucault tried to capture this «event» putting it on stage, showing how, below the placid staging of its games of truth, struggles, violence and battles are hidden. In this sense, Foucault understood philosophical activity as an act of indiscipline, or as an art of reasoned indocility, insofar as thinking turned into experiment would allow us not only to problematize what we are, but it would also provide us with tactical indicators to guide us in the complex theatre of truth and power relationships.
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