Article redefines the classic question of the history of Philosophy, its forms, meaning and justification, for
this it incorporates the basic positions held on the subject by Fernando Montero and considers its connection with
other contemporary approaches such as those of R. Rorty, with his distinction between historical reconstruction,
rational reconstruction and Geistegeschichte approach, as three valid forms for the history of philosophy, that may
also connect with the intellectual history, which takes us to the major historiographical transformations occurring
along the last five decades associated with the names of Foucault, Koselleck, Blumenberg, Skinner and Pocock.
Throughout this development what is in it of neohistoricism should be raised, i.e. a historiography that distances
from the present, as claimed by Skinner, Blumenberg and Montero itself. The question then leads to the evaluation
of meaning of this neohistoricism.