La tutela amministrativa avverso le clausole vessatorie in Italia.

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La tutela amministrativa avverso le clausole vessatorie in Italia.

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Angelone, Marco
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

The decree-law about 'liberalizations' (n. 1/2012, converted with amendments into law n. 27/2012) introduced into the Consumer Code the article 37 bis, which assigns to the Italian Competition Authority the administrative protection against unfair terms in consumer contracts. The new rule ' in increasing the powers of the AGCM ' expands the range of remedies available to consumers to prevent the spread of contractual disciplines harmful to their interests, also breaking the previous 'monopoly' of jurisdiction. The Author analyses, also in the light of the implementing rules, the steps that mark the control procedure, illustrating its main characteristics and the main limitations that reduce its potentialities.
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