Effect of three-body forces on response functions in infinite neutron matter

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Effect of three-body forces on response functions in infinite neutron matter

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Davesne, Dany; Holt, Jeremy W.; Pastore, Alessandro; Navarro Faus, Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

We study the impact of three-body forces on the response functions of cold neutron matter. These response functions are determined in the random phase approximation from a residual interaction expressed in terms of Landau parameters. Special attention is paid to the noncentral part, including all terms allowed by the relevant symmetries. Using Landau parameters derived from realistic nuclear two-and three-body forces grounded in chiral effective field theory, we find that the three-body term has a strong impact on the excited states of the system and in the static and long-wavelength limit of the response functions for which a new exact formula is established.
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