Infrared enhanced analytic coupling and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD

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Infrared enhanced analytic coupling and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD

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Aguilar, Arlene Cristina; Nesterenko, A.V.; Papavassiliou, Joannis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We study the impact on chiral symmetry breaking of a recently developed model for the QCD analytic invariant charge. This charge contains no adjustable parameters, other than the QCD mass scale Λ, and embodies asymptotic freedom and infrared enhancement into a single expression. Its incorporation into the standard form of the quark gap equation gives rise to solutions for the dynamically generated mass that display a singular confining behaviour at the origin. Using the Pagels-Stokar method we relate the obtained solutions to the pion decay constant fπ, and estimate the scale parameter Λ, in the presence of four active quarks, to be about 880 MeV.
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