CPT violation in entangled BO-anti-BO states and the demise of flavour tagging

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CPT violation in entangled BO-anti-BO states and the demise of flavour tagging

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Álvarez, Ezequiel; Bernabeu Alberola, José; Mavromatos, N. E.; Nebot Gómez, Miguel; Papavassiliou, Joannis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We discuss the demise of flavour tagging due to the loss of the particle-antiparticle identity of neutral B-mesons in the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlated states. Such a situation occurs in cases where the CPT operator is ill-defined, as happens, for example, in quantum gravity models with induced decoherence in the matter sector. The time evolution of the perturbed B0-B0bar initial state, as produced in B-factories, is sufficient to generate new two-body states. For flavour specific decays at equal times, we discuss two definite tests of the two body entanglement: (i) search for the would-be forbidden B0 B0 and B0bar B0bar states; (ii) deviations from the indistinguishable probability between the permuted states B0bar B0 and B0 B0bar.
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