Intrinsic CPT violation and decoherence for entangled neutral mesons

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Intrinsic CPT violation and decoherence for entangled neutral mesons

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Bernabeu Alberola, José; Mavromatos, N. E.; Papavassiliou, Joannis; Waldron-Lauda, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

We present a combined treatment of quantum-gravity-induced effects and intrinsic CPT violation in entangled neutral-Kaon states. Our analysis takes into consideration two types of effects: first, those associated with the loss of particle-antiparticle identity, as a result of the ill-defined nature of the CPT operator, and second, effects due to the non-unitary evolution of the Kaons in the space-time foam. By studying a variety of phi-factory observables, involving identical as well as general final states, we derive analytical expressions, to leading order in the associated CPT violating parameters, for double-decay rates and their time-integrated counterparts. Our analysis shows that the various types of the aforementioned effects may be disentangled through judicious combinations of appropriate observables in a phi factory.
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