Standard Model CP-violation and Baryon Asymmetry. Part 2: Finite temperature

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Standard Model CP-violation and Baryon Asymmetry. Part 2: Finite temperature

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Gavela, María Belén; Hernández Gamazo, Pilar; Orloff, Jean; Pène, Olivier; Quimbay Herrera, Carlos
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1994

We consider the scattering of quasi-particles off the boundary created during a first order electroweak phase transition. Spatial coherence is lost due to the quasi-quark damping rate, and we show that reflection on the boundary is suppressed, even at tree-level. Simply on CP considerations, we argue against electroweak baryogenesis in the Standard Model via the charge transport mechanism. A CP asymmetry is produced in the reflection properties of quarks and antiquarks hitting the phase boundary. An effect is present at order α2W in rate and a regular GIM behaviour is found, which can be expressed in terms of two unitarity triangles. A crucial role is played by the damping rate of quasi-particles in a hot plasma, which is a relevant scale together with MW and the temperature. The effect is many orders of magnitude below what observation requires.
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