Finite-Size scaling of vector and axial current correlators

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Finite-Size scaling of vector and axial current correlators

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Damgaard, P.H.; Hernández Gamazo, Pilar; Jansen, K.; Laine, Mikko; Lellouch, Laurent
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

Using quenched chiral perturbation theory, we compute the long-distance behaviour of two-point functions of flavour non-singlet axial and vector currents in a finite volume, for small quark masses, and at a fixed gauge-field topology. We also present the corresponding predictions for the unquenched theory at fixed topology. These results can in principle be used to measure the low-energy constants of the chiral Lagrangian, from lattice simulations in volumes much smaller than one pion Compton wavelength. We show that quenching has a dramatic effect on the vector correlator, which is argued to vanish to all orders, while the axial correlator appears to be a robust observable only moderately sensitive to quenching.
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